Frequently Asked Questions about Ducted Heating

Ducted gas heating is one system that is capable of heating your entire home. It takes in cold air and heats it up with a gas heat exchanger. The warm is then channeled through ducts in your ceiling and pumped into rooms to warm your home.

The air is recirculated through your home and reused. This means it is easier for your ducted heating to maintain a temperature.

The ongoing running cost of your ducted heating will largely depend on the energy star rating of your heater, as well as gas prices.

The more energy efficient, the more costly your heater will be upfront as well. Your long-term savings, however, will make up for this.

Introduce zoning into your ducted heating and the running cost will also decrease!

Whole home heating systems, like ducted heating, are more costly to install. The system itself is more expensive than a split system or something similar, and the labour is also more intensive.

Mr Emergency makes these installations a breeze with our range of finance options** payment plans for approved applicants.