Frequently Asked Questions about Emergency Heating

If your heater breaks down during winter or a particularly cold day and your comfort is being impacted, this classifies as a heating emergency.

If you are experiencing uncomfortable chills, be sure to rug up in your warmest clothes. Then, contact a licensed heating and cooling technician.

Mr Emergency has an experienced team ready and waiting 24/7 to help with your heating emergencies. We can be on site within 30 minutes* of your call, so you won’t be left out in the cold.

In addition to layering up in your warmest clothes, there are numerous other things you can do to try and attract and keep as much heat in your home as possible.

  • Make sure all windows are closed so heat cannot escape.
  • Cover any windows that typically receive sunlight with inexpensive shower curtains.  
  • Seal any potentially drafty areas, particularly gaps under doors or cracks in walls.
  • Shut off any unused rooms to try and retain the heat.
  • Got a tiled floor, or one that is generally cold to the touch? Lay a rug or carpet on it – it can be an effective insulator.

On average, a typical home can retain its warmth for around 8-12 hours after a power outage has occurred. After that, the house may start to cool over the course of a couple of days.

According to the World Health Organisation, the interior of a house should be at least 18 degrees Celsius. Consistently lower than that, and you increase the risk of potential health issues emerging.